Virtual Therapy
woman talking on laptop in virtual addiction treatment
By BrightView
Published: October 3, 2022
Updated: October 7, 2022

Virtual addiction treatment is a newer form of therapy that helps people recover from substance use disorders (SUD). It is a safe and effective way to manage SUD and maintain long-term recovery. If you are unfamiliar with virtual addiction therapy, you may be concerned about how well it works.

One of the goals at BrightView is to make SUD treatment accessible to as many people as possible. By offering virtual rehab options, we eliminate some of the most challenging barriers to getting treatment. To learn more about how our virtual addiction therapy program works, reach out to us through online chat or by calling us at 888.501.9865.

What Is Virtual Addiction Treatment?

Virtual addiction therapy is a form of SUD treatment that uses technology to connect you with therapists and other addiction treatment professionals. It can be used to treat drug and alcohol use disorders as well as mental health conditions like depression, anxiety, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Virtual addiction treatment is much like in-person treatment since you receive most of the same therapies. The only difference is that you do so through video chat, meeting with your therapists, doctors, and peers in recovery for online sessions.

Is Virtual Addiction Treatment as Effective as In-Person Treatment?

Virtual addiction therapy opens up possibilities for people who may have felt they could not get the help they needed before. For many people, virtual addiction treatment works just as well as an in-person program. In fact, it can be even more effective for people who may have difficulty sticking with in-person treatment due to challenges with transportation, severe anxiety disorders, or mobility issues.

Some factors that make virtual addiction treatment just as effective, if not more effective, than in-person treatment are:

  • People are less likely to drop out of a virtual addiction therapy program.
  • Some people feel more comfortable being open and honest during therapy sessions when in the comfort of home.
  • Many people prefer the enhanced sense of confidentiality offered when attending virtual addiction therapy sessions.

Virtual addiction treatment provides convenience, confidentiality, and comfort. This helps individuals stay focused on getting better rather than worrying about how they will get to the treatment center, if they will make it there on time after work, or if they will run into someone they know when going to treatment.

Are You a Good Candidate for Virtual Addiction Therapy?

Although virtual addiction therapy offers many benefits, it is not necessarily the best course of treatment for everyone. Here are a few indicators that virtual addiction treatment may be a good fit for you:

  • You are committed to your recovery and ready to make a change.
  • You have a reliable internet connection through your phone or computer.
  • You have tried in-person treatment before but found it difficult to attend sessions regularly.
  • You have work or home responsibilities that make it difficult to fit in-person treatment sessions into your schedule.
  • You do not have reliable transportation to a treatment center or mobility issues that make it more challenging to get around.

Virtual addiction treatment removes many of the obstacles to a traditional in-person program. If you think virtual addiction therapy may offer the support you need to overcome substance use disorder, reach out to a reputable treatment provider for an assessment.

Consult BrightView for Virtual Rehab Options

With virtual rehab options at BrightView, your location is no longer a factor in where you choose to get treatment for substance use disorder. BrightView offers comprehensive, evidence-based virtual addiction treatment to ensure our clients receive the care, attention, and support they need to end SUD for good. Reach out to us online or call us at 888.501.9865 to set up an intake assessment.