Men facing window with eyes closed contemplating the question how long does it take to become dependent on opioids

How Long Does it Take to Become Dependent on Opioids?

By BrightView BrightView Meet The Editorial Team Published: February 16, 2023 Updated: June 3, 2024 Opioids are highly addictive, as they relieve pain and produce euphoria. They also account for a disproportionate number of fatal drug overdoses in the U.S. each year. How long does it take to become dependent on opioids? What treatment is available for individuals with opioid use disorder? Getting answers to these crucial questions can reduce harm and promote recovery. If you or a loved one struggles with opioid addiction symptoms, it’s essential to seek help…

Calendar on table in rehab center displaying the date February 14th with a white rose to celebrate Valentine's Day in addiction recovery

Having a Sober Valentine’s Day

By BrightView BrightView Meet The Editorial Team Published: February 10, 2023 Updated: September 22, 2023 Having a sober Valentine’s Day can be easier than you might think with a bit of forethought and commitment to self-care. While this holiday might feel associated with alcohol or drug use, it’s possible to have a great time without these substances, whether you plan to spend time on your own, with friends, or with a significant other. If you or a loved one could use help getting free from alcohol or chemical dependency, Brightview…

the word overdose written and underlined in chalk on a blackboard

Signs of Heroin Overdose

By BrightView BrightView Meet The Editorial Team Author Dan Bielecki, LPCC-S, LICDC-CS Dan Bielecki, LPCC-S, LICDC-CS Dan is a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor with supervision designation (LPCC-S) and a Licensed Independent Chemical Dependency Counselor… read more Published: February 8, 2023 Updated: February 24, 2023 Tens of thousands of people in the U.S. die from opioid overdoses each year, including heroin overdoses. Thankfully, those numbers have decreased slightly due to the broader availability of life-saving drugs like Narcan. However, Narcan is no substitute for a heroin addiction treatment program. While it…

a young man worries he may have signs of alcohol poisoning but he cannot get out of bed

What Are the Signs of Alcohol Poisoning?

By BrightView BrightView Meet The Editorial Team Published: February 7, 2023 Updated: February 24, 2023 At BrightView, we understand the significance of alcohol addiction and the risks associated with its consumption in excess. Our compassionate addiction specialists are ready to help you begin your journey to lifelong sobriety. If you are concerned about a loved one who may suffer from addiction and may be at risk of alcohol poisoning, reach out for help today. Call 888.501.9865 to learn about alcohol addiction treatment options and how BrightView can help. What Is…

a woman learns the difference between drug tolerance and dependence and realizes she has a problem

What Is Drug Tolerance? Is It The Same As Dependence?

By BrightView BrightView Meet The Editorial Team Published: February 6, 2023 Updated: February 24, 2023 Neither drug tolerance nor dependence should be taken lightly, as both could potentially lead to a substance use disorder that requires professional treatment. If you or a loved one is struggling with a substance use disorder or has become dependent on a drug, BrightView can help you get your life back on track. Please reach out to us today at 888.501.9865 to learn about the drug addiction treatment options we offer, as well as the…

a young man meets his addiction treatment specialist to learn how meth addiction treatment centers work and what to expect

How Do Meth Addiction Treatment Centers Work?

By BrightView BrightView Meet The Editorial Team Published: February 2, 2023 Updated: February 24, 2023 Many Americans struggle with methamphetamine addiction. Meth addiction can lead to a range of short and long-term health problems, making it hard for people to live their lives and manage their responsibilities. People who struggle with addiction often have a hard time performing at work, having good relationships, or taking care of their families. Methamphetamine is a highly-addictive stimulant. Users experience euphoria and increased energy but can also experience irregular heartbeat, weight loss, high blood…

individuals in group therapy for addiction discuss how their intensive outpatient program has benefited them

Benefits of Intensive Outpatient Drug Treatment

By BrightView BrightView Meet The Editorial Team Published: February 1, 2023 Updated: February 24, 2023 Anyone who has struggled with drug addiction knows that the journey to recovery is an individual one. For some, an inpatient program seems like the only path to success. However, some people cannot uproot their lives to enroll in an inpatient program for drug treatment. Thankfully, there are options to accommodate you on your path to recovery. When you are looking for an outpatient program that provides a higher level of assistance than traditional outpatient…


What to Know About Drug Rehab Near Pikeville, Kentucky

By BrightView BrightView Meet The Editorial Team Published: January 20, 2023 Updated: March 20, 2023 Not all programs offering drug rehab near Pikeville, Kentucky are equal.  Attending outpatient treatment for a substance use disorder (called “SUD” for short) is one of the most effective and safest ways to achieve long-term from addiction. If you or someone you love is struggling with addiction, walking into a local outpatient center like BrightView can be the easiest way to access stabilizing medication, healing therapy, and social support services. BrightView offers a wide variety…

people in group therapy session dicsuss medicaid drug rehabs in cincinnati

Medicaid Drug Rehabs in Cincinnati

By BrightView BrightView Meet The Editorial Team Published: January 4, 2023 Updated: January 5, 2023 In 2020, over 400 Cincinnati residents lost their lives to drug overdose.1 As Ohio’s largest city, Cincinnati has been at the center of the opioid crisis over the last decade. Efforts to address the crisis have included the formation of an addiction response coalition, partnering with organizations in Northern Kentucky to streamline access to resources, and public health and education initiatives. One of the most important aspects of keeping Ohio residents safe is making sure…
